Thursday, October 9, 2008

Put a Fork in me I'm done!!

I guess it time for a big long boring update on everything that has happened in the last month!! The Toby Keith concert was one of the best that I have been to in the last ten years. Corey and I decided to take Chase and he loved every minute of it. When they would stop playing he kept asking if it was over. All he kept saying is that This is the best thing he's ever done in his life and he wore a smile for three day after. My doctor appointment seem to be flying by, but the doctor says everything is going really well. I'm getting to that point where I'm always low on energy and nothing fit's like it did a month ago. The Deer hunt starts next weekend which is also Kimberlynn's 3rd birthday, but hopefully baby girl is here by then so Corey and the rest of the group can go hunting!!


Angie said...

I remember that feeling all to well. Keep going thought your almost done. Maybe a few tears for the doctor will help or the nurse they know how to work the doctor. Good luck!!

Coombs Family said...

I can't believe your almost going to have that little baby, hope everthings good, call me when she pops out.

Ann Hoth said...

We are excited to hear about the baby. You have such a darling family.I hope all goes well. Will you e-mail me, I can't seem to get yours right and I need to send you something. Thanks Aunt Ann

Morrells said...

Is that baby here yet! You better let me know when she comes!